Last night Mike startled me when he knocked on the bedroom door late after his work dinner. I was drying the mattress on my side of the bed with a hair dryer, trying to reverse the damage Coco’s weak bladder left and he wanted me to know he was home. Cokes was still up, the result of a late nap, and I was literally bleary-eyed. I was so tired after pick up, soccer practice, the dreaded nighttime routine (why is it so hard?), homework, stripping the bed, and washing the sheets all I wanted to do was sleep. But I couldn’t because, once again, I was surrounded by a big mess to clean up. So naturally when my sweet husband asked how my day was I gave him a mouthful. I have no grace! I am cranky, bitter, short-tempered, impatient, mean to my kids and my husband and generally tired. I don’t know what I’m doing right or what I’m doing wrong, I don’t know which end is up. I’m jealous, petty, confused and did I say tired? But it feels good to let you all know that, since I bet a lot of you feel these things too. Maybe not all at once, but you’ve felt them. And I’m not just talking about parents, you don’t have to have kids to feel these things. You have to be human. After all, we are only human! Leave it to humans to give ourselves an out, “we’re ONLY human.” So here it is, my human post. Represented by one of the best we’ve got to offer, Princess Grace. So thanks for listening to me vent, have a wonderful weekend and don’t worry-my attitude adjustment is right around the corner, and the sitter comes at 6-whoop, whoop!
Leonor says
Talk about I know what you mean! I feel you sister, I have had one after another situation occur this month spawned from last months situations… Its killing me and I sincerely feel as the mom of a one year old, wife of a med third year med student and living on a tight budget, I need a vacation and your blog post is my mini vacay. Thanks for the post, you’re truly lovely! Give me grace!
Piper says
Leonor-there certainly is comfort in numbers! The second I posted this I wondered if it was TMI, so thanks for the reassurance. You’re in the trenches too aren’t you! I hope you get a weekend full of rest, relaxation and all those sweet moments a one-year-old brings. Keep it up girl!
Alaina says
Thanks too for that post…sometimes we as mothers feel we are the only one feeling a certain way. It’s good to hear that your human too and we all have bad days. I like reading your post because you are a mother and you love fashion as I do.
Latrina says
Oh gosh, I don’t know how you mothers do it! I spent three years babysitting my niece while I was in college — I was also helping raise my younger siblings at this time too. Ugh. I was a horrible wreak… tired… angry all the time. Yes, you are certainly right… we are only human! And us humans can be bitches whenever we are tired and worn-thin. 😛 …Patience — It’s still something I’m trying to work on.. desperately. I’ve gotten better, though. 🙂 …but still need some work, haha.
Good luck to you!! Sounds like you desperately need some ME TIME.
Ashley says
Piper, you may not always feel like it but you are one of the most graceful women I know. Love your honesty!
Piper says
And you are one of the best friends I know:)