I am brimming over with inspiration but I don’t have much to show for it. Between my Monday video Blogshop course and my Thursday discovery of these brilliant TED talks (1, 2) from Brene Brown (my new girl crush) my head is clear and my heart is racing. I want to get a degree in graphic design, film and edit epic home movies, SHOP, dye my hair, smash an overhead shot on the tennis court, color coordinate my closet, read a good book, write a good book, shelter the cold and feed the hungry. But alas life (Coco’s been home sick all week) and my ADD (Nashville‘s back) have gotten the best of me and so all this will have to stay bottled up for a while. I swear I get my best ideas at midnight right when it’s time to force myself to go to bed. Thankfully it’s all logged on napkins, Word docs and Post-It notes so I can someday come back to my nighttime inspirations. I’m just wondering when someday is going to be today.
LOVE IT! Thank you for your willingness to share your life and thoughts, they warm my heart every time!
Leonor, thank you!!!! Did you check out the Brene’s TED Talks!?! So inspiring. Thanks for the support, means the world.