This year was the year of yes! In the beginning of the year what seemed like unlikely opportunities began presenting themselves to me and I quickly adopted the motto that I would say yes to all of them. Not always knowing where they would take me, I jumped in feet first and in return I gained new experiences, learned new skills, met some incredible people and most of all-had fun! This was also the first year of Coconut and Bean. Writing this blog has brought me so much joy and an invaluable platform of expression, I’m not sure how I survived without it. This year was also full of milestones and major growth for our girls Coco (2.5) and Elle (5.75), who first inspired this endeavor. Graduations, tooth loss, first days of school, potty training, swim lessons and the general awesomeness, and exhaustion, that comes with small children has all been documented here for posterity-the good, the bad and the ugly. I’m so thankful to have shared it with them and with all of you. Of course every year comes with struggles as well, such is life, and this year was no exception. But today I’m going to count my blessings rather than my misgivings, and I hope the same for you. Be safe, be happy and be together today-Happy New Year!!!!
Amy Edwards says
Oh and you did a marathon and a half!! Happy New Year to you Coconut and Bean!!
coconutandbean says
How could I forget! Adding a pic right now:) Definitely one of the highlights of 2012!!!