So much of the first weeks of motherhood is a blur, but I remember the exact moment this was taken. Elle was born a week before and I had just declared to Mike that this was my new favorite place to be in the whole world. Home on the couch with her propped on my chest sleeping. Already a natural, he of course scrambled to get the camera and document it properly. It’s funny, this afternoon I was in the same position except I was praying she would stop fighting with me, close her eyes and take a nap so I could have a moment of peace from what had been “one of those days”. And I had the same dazed look on my face I have here, minus some of the freshness. A lot has changed since this moment, A LOT. But the feeling that comes over me when my children are safe at home sleeping hasn’t, don’t think it ever will. Hope not at least. If it was a drug, I’d be an addict. So my Mother’s Day wish to you all is lots of sleep-yours and theirs. That and of course, lots of jewelry. XO