This morning was madness. Woke up late, had to take a shower (usually don’t get a chance in the morning, but I’m traveling today so I wanted to look nice), rushed the kids through the morning routine, packed them in the car, packed up the dog to drop at the kennel, met with the termite guy to receive not good news and rushed to get everyone dropped off in time for this, the Mini-Olympics at Coco’s camp. Elle hated this event when she was this age, but I thought since Coco is a lot more easy-going, she’d be into it. At first she was ok, but the second she saw Mommy it was over. I managed to get one shot of her not hysterical, but really the hysterical shot is better anyway. I mean, that’s what parenthood is all about right? Killing yourself to make everything perfect, get to every event and never miss a milestone just to be met by heartache while you watch your child come undone. Will she even remember I was there? Should I even have gone? Would it be better if I skip these things? No. Easier, yes. But I couldn’t do it. These things are the big payoff in my parenting, even if they don’t always go as I’d hoped. She’ll never remember I was there, just like I don’t remember crying through my entire Kindergarten graduation. Thankfully my mother reminds me, a lot. So I guess that’s what I’ll do too, remind Coco and Elle of these things, a lot. Because if I’m not witnessing and photographing it for them, what will they look back on? How will they know how they grew up? And most importantly, how will they be made to feel guilty for putting their poor mama through hell? Just kidding. Not really. Happy Friday everyone!
Sidenote-thank you random camp counselor for getting on your knees to comfort my child. I don’t know your name, but you made me feel I’m getting my money’s worth and that makes me happy.